Welcome to Sharp Park Academy
Sharp Park Academy welcomes you! This Y5 – 5th grade building offers two classrooms at each grade level, along with safe and secure entryways. They follow the district curriculum, including Michigan Standards. Sharp Park Academy follows the mission “to develop caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through inner-cultural understanding and respect.” Students are encouraged to inquire; they are taught to “ask a good question every day”. The questions are called “I wonder questions” and go along with the unit of study, with the goal being that all questions are answered by the unit’s conclusion. Through the use of “I wonder” questions and inquiry model students develop a deep understanding of ideas and concepts that are meaningful and relevant to them, apply new learning and communicate the significance to others.
Contact Us
Jasper Lusby, Principal
Dawn Rigelman, Administrative Assistant
Start Times
Dismissal - 3:41pm
Half Day Dismissal - 11:50am
Sharp Park Academy Office Hours on School Days - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Sharp Park Bus Routes
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Sharp Park Academy Weekly Announcements
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